Graduate School
Pancasila University
Institution Accreditation
ISO 21001:2018

Lecturer Profile


Study program

Academic Position

Employment Bond Status







Dr. Fahruddin Salim, SE, MM



Permanent lecturer

Quantitative Research and Analysis Methods / Customer Relations Marketing

No.CollegeAcademic DegreeDiploma DateLevel
1university Of islamS.E1993S1
2IPWI Jakarta College of EconomicsMM1996S2
3Padjadjaran UniversityDr2009S3

1. Poverty Alleviation Strategy and Economic Empowerment Using Islamic Philanthropy as a Moderator Variable for Community Welfare: Case Study of the BSM Ummat Foundation

Journal: Journal of Economics, Management, Business and Social Affairs (Embiss), 2023, Pages 420-429, Article

2. The Influence of Motivation, Work Commitment and Telework on Work Productivity with Information Technology as a Moderating Variable (Case Study: Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture)

Journal: Scientific Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship, 2022, Pages 82-101, Article

3. The Influence of Transformational Leadership, Job Design and Career Development on Job Satisfaction Moderated by Technology in the Millennial Generation in the Education Industry

Journal: Global Ecoment Journal, 2021, Pages 117-114, Article

4. Analysis of Mobile E-Commerce Repurchase Intentions Using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Approach

Journal: Journal of Business and Management Applications (JABM), 2019, Pages 530-530, Article

5. The Influence of Service Quality and Trust on Customer Satisfaction and its Impact on Company Reputation (Empirical Study of Umrah and Hajj Travel Companies in East Jakarta)

Ecobisman Journal: Journal of Management Business Economics, 2019, Pages 110-125, Article