Graduate School
Pancasila University
Institution Accreditation
ISO 21001:2018

SPs at a glance

The establishment of SEKOLAH PASCASARJANA UNIVERSITAS PANCASILA or the establishment of the University of Pancasila’s School of Postgraduate (SPs-UP) coincides with the formation of a master of management program in 1993 based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. 24/D/O/1993 dated April 20, 1993 concerning Establishment of the Master of Management Program at the UP Postgraduate Program in Jakarta. In 2004, the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education No: 4228/D/T/2004 concerning the permission on the Implementation of PDIE at UP, South Jakarta dated October 27 2004. Then in 2007 based on the Letter of the Director General of Higher Education No. 1631/D/T/2007 dated 6 July 2007 regarding Permission to Organize the Study Program on a Master of Accountancy (S2) at UP.

Since its establishment until June 2013, the organizational structure of the UP Postgraduate Program only consisted of a Director and each study program was led by the Head of the Study Program and the Secretary of the Study Program. Study program management is assisted by educational staff under the Head of each Study Program. Since June 2013, the organizational structure of the UP Postgraduate Program is equipped with two Assistant Directors. The change in name from the Postgraduate Program to the Postgraduate School occurred on March 2, 2015 with the issuance of the Chancellor's Decree No. 509/KEP.R/UP/II/2015. Currently SPs are led by a Director who in carrying out the duties and authorities of operational affairs is assisted by two Assistant Directors, namely Assistant Director I for Academic and Student Affairs, and Assistant Director II for General Administration and Finance. In making development policies, the Director receives input from the Advisory Board, which is currently held by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business (Ex Officio). The Director is responsible to the Chancellor. The study program is led by the Head of the Study Program (Kaprodi) assisted by a Study Program Secretary (Secretary of Study Program). The Head of Study Program is in charge of planning, implementing and evaluating the implementation of Study Program. The Secretary of Study Program carries out administrative duties for services to students. The Head of Study Program and the Secretariat are responsible to the Director of SPs. In order for SPs to achieve its internationalization we are under the process of exploring for international accreditation AQAS and become a member AACSB as well as establishing Tri-Dharma cooperation between higher education institutions and foreign universities.

PDIE SPs UP was established in 2004 based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education, Ministry of National Education Number: 4228/D/T/2004 dated October 27, 2004 concerning Permits to organize PDIE. This was further strengthened by the Decree of the Chancellor of UP Number: 3595/KEP.R/UP/XII/2004 dated: 24 December 2004 regarding the opening of PDIE SPs UP. The renewal of the PDIE SPs UP operating permit Number: 4115/D/T/K-III/2009 was signed on December 31, 2009. On December 21, 2012 the renewal of the PDIE SPs UP permit number 13955/D/T/K-III/ 2012.

The University of Pancasila’s School of Postgraduate has a vision of “being the School of Postgraduate that is to improve National Competitiveness, Internationally Oriented on the basis of the Noble Values of Pancasila.

The University of Pancasila’s School of Postgraduate currently provides customized programs, credit earning programs and prior learning recognition to be able to participate in efforts to meet the needs for increased professionalism of human resources in the country in accordance with the vision, mission and objectives of the Pancasila University Postgraduate School.