Graduate School
Pancasila University
Institution Accreditation
ISO 21001:2018

Lecturer Profile


Study program

Academic Position

Employment Bond Status







Prof. Dr. Apollo Daito, SE, Ak., M.Sc., CIFM., CIABV., CIABG.



Permanent lecturer

Advanced Management Accounting

No.CollegeAcademic DegreeDiploma DateLevel
1Mulawarman UniversityS.E1992S1
2Padjadjaran UniversityM.Sc1998S2
3Padjadjaran UniversityDr2003S3


1. Leverage, Company Size, and Audit Quality Effect on Tax Avoidance in Manufacturing Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange and Malaysia Exchange for the 2015-2019 Period

Journal: Journal of Accounting and Finance Management, 2023, Pages 274-284, Article

2. Determinants of earnings quality with the company's life cycle, and related party transactions and the implications on firm value

Journal: Dynasty International Journal of Economics, Finance & Accounting, 2022, Pages 253-261, Article

3. Construction of Accounting Theory (Study of the Sundanese Wiwitan Community, West Java Province)

Journal: Journal of Applied Management Science, 2022, Pages 219-246, Article

4. Can thin capitalization and transfer pricing activities reduce the tax burden

Journal: Dynasty International Journal of Economics, Finance & Accounting, 2021, Pages 112-121, Article

5. Several factors that influence the Going Concern Audit Opinion

Journal: Journal of Applied Management Science, 2020, Pages 23-45, Article