Study program
Academic Position
Employment Bond Status
Prof. Dr. Apollo Daito, SE, Ak., M.Sc., CIFM., CIABV., CIABG.
Permanent lecturer
Advanced Management Accounting
No. | College | Academic Degree | Diploma Date | Level |
1 | Mulawarman University | S.E | 1992 | S1 |
2 | Padjadjaran University | M.Sc | 1998 | S2 |
3 | Padjadjaran University | Dr | 2003 | S3 |
1. Leverage, Company Size, and Audit Quality Effect on Tax Avoidance in Manufacturing Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange and Malaysia Exchange for the 2015-2019 Period Journal: Journal of Accounting and Finance Management, 2023, Pages 274-284, Article |
2. Determinants of earnings quality with the company's life cycle, and related party transactions and the implications on firm value Journal: Dynasty International Journal of Economics, Finance & Accounting, 2022, Pages 253-261, Article |
3. Construction of Accounting Theory (Study of the Sundanese Wiwitan Community, West Java Province) Journal: Journal of Applied Management Science, 2022, Pages 219-246, Article |
4. Can thin capitalization and transfer pricing activities reduce the tax burden Journal: Dynasty International Journal of Economics, Finance & Accounting, 2021, Pages 112-121, Article |
5. Several factors that influence the Going Concern Audit Opinion Journal: Journal of Applied Management Science, 2020, Pages 23-45, Article |