Study program
Academic Position
Employment Bond Status
Prof. Dr. Tri Widyastuti, SE, Ak., MM, CA.
Permanent lecturer
Accounting Paradigm
No. | College | Academic Degree | Diploma Date | Level |
1 | Diponegoro University | S.E | 1988 | S1 |
2 | Pancasila University | MM | 1998 | S2 |
3 | Padjadjaran University | Dr | 2008 | S3 |
1. Strategic Management: Concept, Implementation, and Indicators of Success Journal: Cyber Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary, 2023, Pages 44-54, Article |
2. Implementation of Transformational Leadership to Development Organization and World Class University Strategic Journal: International Journal of Business and Applied Economics, 2023, Pages 405-418, Article |
3. The role of corporate governance and financial conditions on stock returns in Indonesia Journal: The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 2022, Pages 325-332, Article |
4. The Battle of Altman, Springate, Zmijewski and Grover Models Predicting Financial Distress in Service Companies Journal: Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, 2021, Pages 1183-1196, Article |
5. Analysis of business strategy at PT Gancia Citra Rasa Journal: Executive Journal, 2017, Pages 369-383, Article |