Graduate School
Pancasila University
Institution Accreditation
ISO 21001:2018

Lecturer Profile


Study program

Academic Position

Employment Bond Status







Dr. Seta Ariawuri Wicaksana, S.Psi, M.Psi.


Expert Assistant

Permanent lecturer

Quantitative Research and Analysis Methods / Customer Relations Marketing

No.CollegeAcademic DegreeDiploma DateLevel
1University of IndonesiaS.Psi2004S1
2University of IndonesiaM. Psi2007S2
3Pancasila UniversityDr.2022S3

1. Analysis of the Influence of Organizational Structure, Dynamic Capabilities and Corporate Culture on the Organizational Agility of the BRImo Product Team in the context of creating Sustainable Competitive Advantages for PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero), Tbk

Journal: UBS Journal of Economics and Business, 2023, Pages 1754-1771, Article

2. Building Organizational Agility Through Knowledge Sharing and Organizational Culture in Non-Departmental Government Agencies

Journal: Journal of Business and Management Applications (JABM), 2022, Pages 749-749, Article

3. Edupreneur: Developing Boardgame As a product of University Entrepreneurial Activities

Journal: IJEBD (International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Development), 2022, Pages 303-311, Article

4. The linkage of Leadership, Psychological Empowerment, and Employee Engagement with Affective Commitment to Change: A study at public/state-owned organizations

Journal: IJHCM (International Journal of Human Capital Management), 2021, Pages 71-81, Article

5. Identify the dimensions of work-life balance among millennial generation employees in the banking sector

Journal: ISOQUANT: Journal of Economics, Management and Accounting, 2020, Pages 69-81, Article