Tuesday 2 January 2024 at the Pancasila University Postgraduate School Hall, the ISO 21001:2018 Certificate Handover Ceremony was held (Educational Organization Management System) and ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management System).
This activity was attended by the SPs Director, SPs Secretary, Asdir I & II, Para Ka. Master of Management Study Program (MM), Master of Accounting (Maksi) and Doctor of Economics Program (PDIE), Secretaries of the MM MAKSI PDIE Study Program, Head of the Quality Assurance Unit (SJM), Coord. Research and PkM, Lecturers and Education Staff at the Pancasila University Postgraduate School and PT. Global Certification Indonesia, represented by Ir. Estu Prayogi, M. KKK.

In his remarks, the Director of Postgraduate Studies at Pancasila University, Prof. Amin Soebandrio, dr, Ph.D., SpMk, (K) expressed his thanks to the entire ISO SPs UP team who have worked hard in realizing ISO 21001:2018 and ISO 9001:2015, apart from that he also expressed his thanks to Mr. Ir. Estu Prayogi, M. KKK. who has guided the ISO SPs UP team so that ISO 21001:2018 and ISO 9001:2015 are realized.

This activity is the result of the efforts of the Pancasila University Postgraduate School in improving the quality and service to stakeholders in the Pancasila University Postgraduate School environment.