Aug-21 | The Influence of Motivation and Information Technology on Employee Performance at the Bogor Regency Central Bureau of Statistics (Bps) With Work Productivity as an Intervening Variable | Dwi Purnama Indah, Tri Widyastuti, and Fahurddin Salim | Management Business Economics Vol. 5 | Human Resource Management |  |
April 21 | The Effect of Organizational Climate and Quality of Work Life on Employee Productivity Through Job Satisfaction with Moderation of Organizational Culture (Case Study on Customer Sales Representatives at Grapari Telkomsel Outlets in the Jabodetabek Region – 2020) | Sri Redjeki, Mombang Sihite, and Edy Supriyadi | Journal of Management Business Economics Vol. 5 No. 3 | Human Resource Management |  |
Dec-19 | The Influence of Human Resource Management Practices and Perceptions of Organizational Support on the Relationship between Employees and Quality of Work Life as Intervening Variables | Bambang Avianto, Derriawan, and Tabroni | Journal of Management Business Economics Vol. 4 No. 1 | Human Resource Management |  |
Aug-2019 | Determinants of Earings Response Confficence and the Role of Accounting Conservatism as a Moderator in Property and Real Estate Companies | Rina Nurmalina, Suratno, Widarto Rachbini, and Syahril Djaddang | Journal of Accounting and Taxation Research (JRAP) | Accounting Management |  |
Aug-19 | Analysis of the Role of the Fertilizer Industry In Influencing Economic Sectors | Zulkifli | Journal of Management Business Economics Vol. 4 No. 1 | Industrial Management |  |
Aug-19 | HR Challenges Facing Industry 4.0: Professionalism | Ahmad Ramdan Salim | Journal of Accounting Economic Management Innovation | Management Science |  |
Jan-21 | The Effect of Applying Minimum Medicine Service Standards on Hospital Image and Patient Loyalty | Regar N. Dhea, Sampurno, Derriawan, and Susilo Rinto | Indonesian Scientific Journal Vol. 6 No. 1 | Pharmaceutical Business |  |
Nov-19 | Customer Style Inventory, The Usage of Facebook, and Purchase Intention: Are They Connected | Widarto Rachbini, and Anna Agustina | Journal of Business Strategy Vol. 23 No. 1 | Operation management |  |
Apr-20 | The Influence of Several Global Stock Indices and the Dollar (Usd) Exchange Rate on the Composite Stock Price Index on the Indonesian Stock Exchange and Their Impact on Company Stock Returns in the Consumer Goods Industry Sector | Muhaimin Zikri, Derriawan, and Fahruddin Salim | Journal of Management Business Economics Vol. 4 No. 3 | Financial Accounting |  |
Aug-19 | The Effect of Service Quality and Trust on Customer Satisfaction and Its Impact on Company Reputation (Empirical Study of Umrah and Hajj Travel Companies in East Jakarta) | Buddy, Tabroni, and Fahruddin Salim | Journal of Management Business Economics | Strategic Management |  |
Aug-20 | Role of Stakeholders, Project Performance, Government Policy on Psn Ahmad Yani Airport Semarang | Aknes Andriyani, Mombang Sihite, and Edy Supriyadi | Journal of Management Business Economics Vol. 5 No. 1 | airport journal |  |
May-21 | Employee Performance Strategy To Improve Company Performance At Pt. Swadharma Means of Informatics | Alya Zulfa Cahyani, Syahril Djaddang, and Mombang Sihite | KRISNA: Collection of Accounting Research Vol. 9 No. 2 | Tax accounting |  |
Dec-21 | Literacy for Compilation of Individual Income Tax Reporting for Small Business Actors, MSME City/Regency Sukabumi | Susilawati, Syahril Djaddang, Zulkifli, Mombang Sihite, Findita, Numala Ahmar, and M. Ardiansyah | CAPACITERA: Journal of Community Service SPs Vol. 1 No. 3 | Accounting & Auditing Science |  |
Sep-19 | Analysis of Mobile E-Commerce Repurchase Intention with the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Approach | Widarto Rachbini, Fahruddin Slim, Marissa Grace Haque, and Emi Rahmawati | Journal of Management and Business Applications (JABM) | Marketing Journal |  |
Jun-20 | The Effect of Brand Image and Sales Competence on Toyota Yaris Purchase Decisions and Their Impact on Customer Loyalty | Defriko Saputra, Tabroni, and Widarto Rachbini | Ekbank Scientific Journal Vol. 3 No. 1 | Marketing Management |  |
Aug-19 | The Effect of Transformational Leadership and Compensation on Employee Performance Through Integrity as an Intervening Variable for Bank BNI Rawamangun Employees | E. Esti, Soedijanto Padmowiharjo, and Tabroni | Journal of Management Business Economics | Human Resource Management |  |